Life and Outings

Blogtoberfest 2012

Well it’s that time of year again where we all jump in and join Blogtoberfest then try to post every single day for the month. I’m a little bit behind already as the wi-fi was down all weekend making it somewhat difficult to update my blogs! I’m also being a little more ambitious than usual and have signed my other blog up too. My other blog has a grand total of 3 posts at present so this will help move things along!

If you want to know more about Blogtoberfest, click on the lovely button below – perhaps you would like to join in too!


Tinniegirl Blogtoberfest 2011

1 Comment

  1. Belinda

    October 3, 2011 at 11:39 pm

    Good luck! I’m not doing it this year but I always enjoy reading others. I think Blogtober two or three years ago was how I found your blog in the first place?

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