The Red Wren

Christmas Printables, Freebies, Memory Keeping, Uncategorized

2020 Calendars

Hello! I’m here today with some new 2020 6×8 calendars that you can use in your Documenting December projects. There’s three styles as shown above, so feel free to download whichever you like. Just save the image once you click the link. When you print make sure you print to size, then trim your paper down to 6×8. Happy Documenting! Black calendar // Multi coloured calendar // Tree calendar EDIT: I’ve had a request for one of my retired designs, and as it turns  ...

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Christmas Printables, Freebies

2019 December Calendars

It’s a long time since I posted, but here I am with some free 6×8 December Calendars for your Documenting December projects. These aren’t a new release, I originally released these in 2014, but I’ve seen people asking about calendars and thought I’d throw these out  ...

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Document, Freebies, Memory Keeping

Memory Keeping Planning

I’ve spent a bit of time recently sorting out exactly where I am at with my memory keeping. I use my Project Life tracker to keep track of where I’m up to with Project life, and these lists to track everything else, but I realised I was missing a worksheet to determine why I want to  ...

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Memory Keeping Plans 2018

When it’s been a while since I last posted, I never know quite how to begin… do I exclaim about how fast time has gone, do I make a pile of excuses based around a needy toddler, or do I just start and vow to keep a bit more on top of things this year? Let’s go with the latter. My plans  ...

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Christmas Planner

Hi everyone! Today I have the first of this year’s free Christmas printables and it’s one I’ve wanted to create for a while; a Christmas planner! I’m really excited about it and hope you’ll want to use it too. I designed the planner with my stash of Pocket Page  ...

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31 Minutes for 31 Days

Hello poor, neglected readers. What has happened to my blog? It’s really taken a back seat since Finley was born, and I admit I tend to post what I’m doing to Instagram as it’s faster, and more interactive, but I miss having a blog and this month I’m going to put some  ...

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Memory Keeping

Jot Magazine- March Mood Board. 

Just scraping in with my March Mood Board Challenge this month. I did complete February, but didn’t blog about it. In fact looking at my blog I haven’t blogged about anything since the January challenge. I must rectify this as I have lots to share.  Back to March. The Mood  ...

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Memory Keeping

Jot Magazine – January Mood Board Challenge

As mentioned in my previous post, I really want to try to complete all of the Jot Mood Board Challenges this year, if for nothing but to try some new techniques and use up my stash. January’s board is quite fresh and relaxed with a feeling of home, and a hint of nautical. I was drawn to  ...

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