The Red Wren

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We have a long way to go before our garden becomes my ‘dream’ garden and realistically there’s only so much you can do with a suburban block. I want a yard I can frolic in with  ...

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Bulbs in winter. I heart them. 1. Jonquils, 2. Jonquils, 3. Jonquil, 4. Jonquils in June If my jonquils are half as pretty as these I’ll be very happy indeed.

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Tea time?

I could look at tea cups all day. 1. China Tea Cup, 2. Tea cup swap #2, 3. Dainty Tea Cups, 4. strainer, 5. Fancy A Cuppa?, 6. scones and tea, 7. Vintage Tea Cup, 8. Vintage Afternoon Tea: tins,  ...

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