Cross Stitch
My Nanna was the person responsible for getting me started on cross stitching. The first ones I stitched were kits; some Christmas decorations which I still hang on the tree, a bookmark, a wall hanging, then she gave me lots of her supplies and I started to experiment with my own; mainly Christmas themed for various relatives.
Years passed and cross stitching fell by the wayside and I pursued other interests, but in the past month I’ve wanted to stitch again, but never made the time. Then the planets aligned and some ‘do it now!’ omens appeared;
1. While up at my Aunty Jan and Uncle Peter’s for Christmas I gave her some handmade felt decorations that I whipped up the night before, when I gave them to her she instructed me to ‘hang them on the tree with your others’. ‘The others’ were decorations I’d made in my teens which Jan always appreciated so every year I made her a new one. I was particularly impressed with a cross-stitched hanging cushion that I’d designed myself and began to think I’ve let my teenage self down by not pursuing my hobby more and vowed to take it up again.
2. While in Riot on Boxing Day I spotted a packet of aida that came with a letter chart. I thought it might be nice to make something for Jan given she always encouraged me to make things and to thank her for hosting Christmas. I didn’t buy the aida though, putting it into the ‘not today’ basket.
3. The final omen came the next day while catching up on blog posts. My lovely friend Esther had posted a cross stitch pattern! The planets finally aligned and I felt inspired to start stitching, so I did;
The ‘J’ brooch is for Jan, the tea cup is for me, but when perfected I’ll do one as a little gift for an inspiring friend, the red stitches are to be a toadstool.
Next I’ll be using Esther’s very excellent “You’re Sweet” pattern to make a card for Jan and then who knows? Let’s hope I can keep the momentum rolling…. stay tuned!
December 31, 2009 at 2:15 pmi’m glad to have been of help!
that teacup is so sweet! <3