February Memory Keeping
I have to admit that I’m struggling with my pocket album this year. Really struggling. I’m trying to simplify it, to make time to put it together, to make things easier on me, but I’m not feeling it. This is the last month I’m going to do ‘monthly’ Project Life. From March I’ve decided to switch back to weekly but probably without the ‘Week X’ title card. Monthly seemed like a good idea as I thought I’d find it less overwhelming, but it’s actually more so as I end up with 100’s of photos to sort through.
Anyway I’ll stop whining and get back to back to February. I largely used the collect and project life apps for these spreads. The project life app is really useful for typing up journal cards then printing them straight from my phone. I feel it lacks the personality a bit of handwriting brings, but it’s done. I broke out the pink papers for this month’s kit. It felt refreshing to work with colours I don’t use a lot of.

I’m still working on March, even though it’s July, and have been for around 8 weeks. The pages above have been finished for quite a while but my post has been sitting in draft. I’m currently really keen to get back into both scrapping and blogging regularly and have been taking some courses in both. I’ll talk about those next time!
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