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On the twelth day of Christmas…

I started to pan-ic…

Today I saw a post from Liesl from Hoppo Bumpo that among other things said “Christmas decorations should be … (c) taken down by Twelfth Night (5 January) to avoid bad luck” . I immediately thought ‘No – it’s the sixth of January to avoid bad luck isn’t it? Isn’t it? (with rising hysteria).

A quick Google yielded even more alarming results;

“Twelfth Night (5th January) is when all Christmas Decorations should be removed so as not to bring bad luck upon the home. If decorations are not removed on Twelfth Night, they should stay up all year.*

All year? All year? Now don’t get me wrong, I am mad about Christmas decorations and as you will have seen from previous posts go a bit loopy with decorating but I certainly don’t want them up all year round. So tonight they had to be taken down. It took over three hours, but we are now Christmas free (except a sweet little toadstool that isn’t really Christmassy..)


So bring on more of 2010 as it’s looking pretty good already**.

*Source – British Life and Culture

** I will share with you that my Great Uncle Ray passed away on Boxing Day. I attended his funeral yesterday so while 2010 looks promising, losing Ray was sad. However he lived to the wonderful age of 92 and up until the last couple of years was still gardening, re-stumping the house and climbing ladders.

1 Comment

  1. Jen

    January 7, 2010 at 5:32 pm

    yeah it’s totes the 12th night which makes it Jan 5. we’ve always taken our decorations down by then (or at least tried to!) I wouldn’t worry too much about bad luck, we’ve definitely had them hang past that date and most years are about the same!

    what a great edition of BH&G!
    also i <3 your lamp with the Empire State Building :)
    .-= Jen´s last entry.. =-.

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