Sewing and Craft

Table runner

Something surprising happened today; after cleaning up my sewing room I started and finished a project!


It’s a table runner for the coffee table made from Ink and Spindle’s ‘Delft’ and their linen/cotton basecloth (which I believe they no longer sell).

Here it is on the table (it was really hard to photograph this.)


Next up I need a new iron. My current one is my nanna’s old one and it doesn’t really iron anymore!


  1. CurlyPops

    June 26, 2010 at 6:35 am

    It’s lovely! I’m a big fan of the delft print too. It reminds me of flowers.

  2. Kylie

    June 29, 2010 at 2:50 pm

    Gorgeous! I love the print and the colours look fabulous with the coffee table :)

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