The Red Wren

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Mum’s Orchids

We’ve just arrived home from our weekly dinner at my parent’s house (where we consumed yummy chicken and beef olives and strawberries and cream- not together! I imagine that would be  ...

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I really wish I could say these are from the garden. They are not. They have been keeping the dining room table looking pretty for the past week though.

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Our Home

Beautiful Flowers

I spend a lot of time lately looking at other people’s gorgeous flower photography. I wish I could take such gorgeous shots. The following prints are some favourites from today’s Etsy  ...

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Bulbs in winter. I heart them. 1. Jonquils, 2. Jonquils, 3. Jonquil, 4. Jonquils in June If my jonquils are half as pretty as these I’ll be very happy indeed.

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