The Red Wren

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Life and Outings

Happy Birthday!

Today was my friend Esther’s birthday so to celebrate she had a high tea at the Ivanhoe Collectibles Corner Tea Room. I hadn’t been before and was not disappointed! My purchases! Four  ...

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Life and Outings


Last Saturday my sister, hubby and I went on a daytrip to Bendigo. I hadn’t been in years and it was lots of fun. We went on a walk of the historic buildings around town, ambled through the  ...

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Life and Outings

Shedfest 2009

Yesterday we celebrated my birthday a few days earlier and the gorgeous weather by heading out to Seville for Shedfest. A great day as usual. We took advantage of the free shuttle bus again this  ...

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Life and Outings


Today we’re heading off to Shedfest! They’ll be photos tomorrow but in the interim you can read about last years adventures at Shedfest here! Blogtoberfest – Post 9

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Life and Outings


In honour of the fact that this time two months ago and this time five years ago I was in the USA, here’s a few pics from our recent trip. They’re really random, but eventually  ...

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Life and Outings


Getting into the spirit of October, we went to Oktoberfest at the German Club Tivoli yesterday. It was lots of fun! Lots of festive decorations! One of the men told me they got the cute dancing  ...

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Life and Outings


We arrived home from a lovely trip to the USA and Canada last week. The jetlag is slowly subsiding and I’m readjusting to winter! Now I no longer have the excuse of ‘I’ll do it  ...

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