Sewing and Craft

the post where Ren throws a small tanty….

Why must the batteries in my camera keep conking out when I want to post something on my blog/s???

I have a back-log of photos for both my blogs and no way to get them onto my computer because the batteries keep dying! (and, of course, my card reader is playing up too…)

In the interim:

Isn’t this a pretty flower? I originally bought it to make a hair piece for my wedding last year, but later decided it was a big big and not quite the right colour. Now it sits on my sewing table as a ‘pretty thing to inspire me’. One day I might use it for something, but for now I’m just content to look.

In case you’re curiosity is aroused- you can view the hairpiece I ended up making here. It matched my jewellery (also made by me!) much better.


  1. Hoppo Bumpo

    March 25, 2009 at 12:22 pm

    That is a beautiful flower, but I love the hairpiece you made. In fact I rather liked having a stickybeak through all your wedding photos – you looked stunning!

    PS. Good luck with recharging your camera batteries. And I did indeed catch that amazing sunset. I’m not sure I was able to do it justice, but I’ve post a photo to Flickr

  2. Princess Kirstie

    March 29, 2009 at 8:36 am

    I agree flower posted is beautiful colour, inspiring for sure, but the one you made is devine. Simple and elegant

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