
Veggie Patch!

This weekend was spent installing and planting seedlings in our veggie patch! Never mind that it isn’t quite planting time yet, we’ll see how it goes! We put the garden in our front yard as it is about 4 times the size of our backyard and our house is north facing so lots of light for the veggies!

A small selection of the photos I took of the progress!
So far we have planted; tomatoes; marigolds; spinach; zucchini; capsicum; lettuce; broccoli; spring onion; oregano; parsley and celery.


  1. Hoppo Bumpo

    September 9, 2008 at 12:08 am

    That’s an impressive looking veggie garden. I have only ever grown fruit and veg in pots, so that beautiful garden bed looks amazing to me!

  2. Hollyhock Hollow » Blog Archive » » Veggies!

    September 16, 2009 at 9:32 pm

    […] time last year we’d already put the veggie gardens in and planted lots of seedlings. This time this year […]

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