Sewing and Craft

Washing and Ironing

The only time I would usually wash and iron fabric is for an item for someone else. An apron for example.
The weather was so lovely this weekend though, that I decided to wash all the ‘special’ fabrics I have that just sit there unused because I’m scared to cut them. Washing them is the first step towards use! I ironed them all before popped them into the wash and I have to say that the various base cloths are just gorgeous to iron. I’m off to iron them all again and pop them somewhere visible for use.


  1. I Love Baby Quilts!

    March 30, 2009 at 2:31 am

    Those fabrics really are special! I love them all. Check out my blog to see my Sunday Stash.

  2. Hoppo Bumpo

    March 30, 2009 at 1:43 pm

    What a lovely selection of prints. And it has been such glorious drying weather. Let you into a secret though … Ms Pippijoe’s fabrics are already laundered and ready to go :)

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