Life and Outings

A struggle…

I’m struggling for post ideas today! Blogtoberfest has been challenging but most days I scrounged something up. Tonight nothing, so I’m going to recommend some friends blogs:

Penelope Waits – What’s not to love about Essie’s blog? She posts inspiration, her gorgeous quilts, favourite things.. have a look!!

Popsicles and Polka Dots – Kylie has a gorgeous little girl and makes lots of pretty accessories for her – check them out!

The internet is such a wealth of creativity. I follow a lot of the more well known blogs, but there’s so many more gems out there waiting to be discovered. So tell me – what are some of your favourite less well know blogs?

Blogtoberfest – Post 19


  1. Liesl (Hoppo Bumpo)

    October 21, 2009 at 9:56 pm

    I must go and have a look – I love reading new blogs!

    A new favourite for me is The Craft Gypsy. Gypsy is a very talented crafter who I met at a sewing class and she has just started her blog.

  2. essie

    October 21, 2009 at 9:59 pm

    hey! thanks for the shout-out! :)

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