Website goals

Setting goals and having plans for my website is important to me as I’ve blogged for many, many years, but tend to have spurts rather than consistency. As a result the goals I’m currently working towards are:

Find my voice – This is a big one for me as I overthink things a lot, and I worry a lot that I have ideas similar to ideas other people might have. A lot of the time I won’t blog about something because someone else ‘beat me to it’ even if I had the post in draft. This is a confidence issue and one I need to work on. I also need to stop writing in an apologetic manner.

More tutorials – Writing tutorials is something I really enjoy, but don’t often take the time to do. I’m consciously aware of this and now have a blog planner so I can think about upcoming posts, jot down ideas, and make time to create them. I’m using the ‘tutorial’ banner broadly and intend to cover recipes, gardening, sewing, scrapbooking, digital design… all the topics that are already here but have been neglected over time.

Consistent imagery – Some of my photos are taken with a DSLR, others with my iPhone. I’ve gone through phases of everything from adding text and graphics to fancy actions to straight out of the camera. This has built up a rather inconsistent look and I’m working towards something more cohesive. In part the non cohesiveness is due to combining several years of different blogs into one.

Collaboration – Somewhere in the future I would love to collaborate with another blogger. It might be digital freebie related, or perhaps some sort of project.. it’s definitely something I want to do and if you’re looking for someone to collaborate with and you think we could, let me know!

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