Food & Recipes

Belated Christmas – Tables

A major part of Christmas when you aren’t of religious inclination is food and decorating. You can see my decorations over at The Red Wren and below are some photos of tables and food from various functions.


From top-left:

My table set for our annual parent’s dinner.

My table set for our annual friend’s do.

My mother in law’s table set for Christmas day Brunch

My parent’s table laden with food on Christmas night.

1 Comment

  1. liz

    March 19, 2012 at 10:55 am

    I have just been reading – your blog -? Ren. I clicked on one of the links in your reply re putting Elijah’s photo on facebook. All very interesting – thanks for putting my Christmas brunch table on. I was pleased with the look of it too.

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