Something I’d never given a great deal of thought to prior to having a baby was the sensibilities of bibs. Now that we have a baby that’s hit the drool stage it didn’t take long to work out which style of bib works best for us. We were given some apron type bibs, but for the life of me I couldn’t find anymore to purchase, so I had a go at making one of my own. It was a success, so this week I’ll be making a little pile of them to see us through to the next stage, solids, which I suspect will involve a waterproof smock!
what makes this bib so great is the fact that it can’t spin around bubs neck. I find most of his bibs spend the day trying to be a cape and don’t seem all that safe. This one is more like a top that stays put. The only downside is that it covers up his cute clothes! The next batch will take this into consideration.
This particular bib is made from a fat quarter, toweling back and bias binding.
{Blogtoberfest Day Seven} Post 5
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October 9, 2011 at 9:08 pmGorgeous! I think Nikki has an apron bib pattern and tutorial on her blog too if you need.
They get even droolier as they get a bit older!
October 11, 2011 at 9:17 amCute! ^__^ Also, nice fabric! I nearly brought the same kind from Spotlight on the weekend!