The Red Wren

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woodland tree

My second tree- a much smaller tree which sits on the buffet- has a woodland theme. In some ways I prefer this little tree to my 7ft monster because the decorations are either homemade, or have  ...

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A week and a half ago my new hydrangea looked like this. Mainly green flowers with a hint of blue. Less than two weeks later it looks like this: We’ve been watering it with our grey water,  ...

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The Harvest

We harvested some veggies last weekend. Carrots, potatoes and leeks! We also got the dirt for our new veggie patches and planted some things. The one below is the herb bed. The parsley has been  ...

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The Harvest

We harvested some veggies last weekend. Carrots, potatoes and leeks! We also got the dirt for our new veggie patches and planted some things. The one below is the herb bed. The parsley has been  ...

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My roses are out! Hooray. Today would have been a great day to grab some snaps, but some unexpected rain foiled my plans. Until I take some more, let me share a few I took on Monday.  ...

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through the lavender

Back in May a friend was getting rid of some lavender bushes. “We’ll take them!”, dear hubby and I cried! Unfortunately to get them home we had to pretty much butcher them.  ...

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Took this one on a rainy day during the week. I love the way the water drops reflect the lattice. Blogtoberfest – Post 15

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