The Red Wren

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Sewing and Craft

Sewing and Craft

Granny Squares

A few weeks back I enthusiastically signed up for Pip of Meet me at Mike’s Granny a Day 2010. It’s taken me a little while to get started and there’s been a lot of pulling apart  ...

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Sewing and Craft

iphone case

I’ve had my phone for a few months now, I’ve had the fabric for the case picked out for a few months now, but alas no case was made. Last night I arrived home and whipped one up,  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Cutlery roll

The place I work for is cutting down on the amount of plastic plates and cutlery they provide (pardon the pun). It was recently on of my very good friend’s birthdays and because she just  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Cross Stitch

My Nanna was the person responsible for getting me started on cross stitching. The first ones I stitched were kits; some Christmas decorations which I still hang on the tree, a bookmark, a wall  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Fun craft!

When I visited Canada, I bought back some DIY log cabin decorations for Mum, my sister and I. We made them up a few weeks ago and they’re very sweet…and rustic!

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