Sewing and Craft

Forest Friends Quilt

A while ago I started a quilt that ‘had’ to be finished by mid-September. I missed that dead line by a long shot! Anyhoo, today I picked it back up again and made a lot of progress! All that’s left is the hand quilting.

I designed the top myself and had originally planned to bind it, but then I saw this tutorial for a quilt in a day and thought that method would be easier and just as nice. I didn’t topstitch mine round the edges and are quilting it differently though.

Pinned and ready for quilting and looking a bit rumpled!

Along the way I learned some some things:

some patches match!

others do not.

Mitered corners are easy – although  I need to work on matching the pattern.

Hand quilting is going to take a long time!

Overall I’m happy with how it’s turning out. I almost didn’t quilt it and was tempted to leave it more like a comforter, but I think it needs the quilting to finish it off.

1 Comment

  1. Kylie

    January 20, 2010 at 12:02 am

    It looks great! Love the polka dots :)

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