The Red Wren

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Sewing and Craft

Sewing and Craft

Christmas Sewing

Gee, it’s a been a while since I updated hasn’t it? Truth be told, I’ve spent most of my crafty time on Project Life (which I blog about here) and hadn’t sewn for months and months. I purchased  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Summer dress

When I was girl I always enjoyed sewing clothes for my dolls. I know a lot of little girls, but for some silly reason I haven’t sewn for them. Last week I whipped up a dress on a whim for my  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Outfoxed Quilt Top

The first time I saw Outfoxed by Lizzy House I knew I had to make a quilt. I find a simple pattern in a quilting magazine that would feature the prints, then hastily ordered my fabric. A few  ...

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Sewing and Craft


A lot of my projects are waiting at present. Waiting to be finished, waiting for another one to be finished so it can be started, waiting for my motivation to sew bias binding on to return. We  ...

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