The Red Wren

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Life and Outings, Update

My news!

Well it’s been many weeks since I’ve properly updated this and I did drop some hints that I haven’t been well. Finally I can share the exciting news that I’m expecting!  ...

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Gardening, Update


Hello! I say it every year; I can’t believe it’s March already! February seemed to fly by and I haven’t finished half of my craft projects. March intends to be the month where I  ...

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Just a quick note to say that ‘The Red Wren’s Adventure’s in Craft Land’ is now just ‘The Red Wren’ and encompasses all things home related, not just craft, so  ...

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PS – 200 posts!

Image from here My last post was my 200th post! Whoo hoo! I had intended to celebrate both that and Blogtoberfest with a giveaway but time evaded me and other things got in the way. There will be  ...

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I forgot to post yesterday! How did that happen? Well firstly there was the excitement of getting the new hot water service installed. It was lovely to have hot water after several days with  ...

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We interrupt Blogtoberfest in order to rebuild one broken PC. Ironically the whole thing crashed while uploading some photos to post about! Normal programming should resume tomorrow.

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Update- Fires

Like everyone I’m currently just shocked at how horrific these fires actually are. I haven’t been personally affected, but just by going to work today I heard stories from people who  ...

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One might have noticed I’m a tad behind with my daily posts. I blame the heat. Once the temperature returns to bearable I’ll be back in full swing! In the meantime, feast your eyes  ...

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