Memory Keeping

December Daily Wrap Up


This is my third year of participating in December Daily®. December Daily® is a mini scrapbook project created by Ali Edward’s to capture December. You can learn more at her website.

I am on The Stamp Spot Documenting December Design Team and am using Michelle’s wonderful kit for my December Daily along with some extra items from my stash. 

As December progressed it became too hard for me to keep up with blogging due to various pregnancy woes, but I am excited that I did have my album complete by the 27th December. This is a first for me and such a weight off my mind.

Some thoughts on using a kit and creating foundation pages;

  • Foundation pages really did save me time in the long run. They also allowed me to include pages about things that I may not have thought of once I was in the daily rush of getting the page done. Little things like how many festive drinks I consumed, and our family to-do list.
  • The key to foundation pages I think, is to make sure they are flexible. Some days I’d end up using a completely different pocket configuration to what I’d set up, which is fine if you’ve left everything as a rough guide and not stuck your numbers down.
  • Using a kit was a fun challenge for me as I was creating my own cards a lot of the time rather than just reaching for a pre-made card or just sticking in some filler paper. I certainly did make use of those as well, but going back to physical scrapping with scissors and glue was really relaxing for me and I remembered how much I enjoyed it.
  • I didn’t use all of the kit, and I did supplement from stash a lot. This was no fault of the kit designer, I just have a large Christmas stash that I wanted to use as well.

Now onto the photos. I’ve just chosen a few favourites, so this post isn’t too photo heavy. If you’d like to see them all, the gallery is here.


Delicious Festive Drinks!



Opening presents on Christmas Day.



A little forest. You can get instructions to make your own at Mama Finch.


Elijah’s presents all wrapped by the tree on Christmas Eve. IMG_3198e

We played with fake snow on Christmas Eve so I made a snow themed spread. IMG_3222e

A big fat pocket I made and attached in my album for all the Christmas Cards.IMG_3195e

Making treats for the family, and remembering to include the recipe.

That’s a wrap! I really enjoyed December Daily this year, and it was certainly exciting to have it all wrapped up and done before the year was out.



1 Comment

  1. Char

    January 1, 2016 at 11:44 pm

    Lovely pages Renae. You did a great job.

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