Memory Keeping

December Daily

A little while ago I discovered something called December Daily, which is the brainchild of and hosted each year by Ali Edwards. Given that I love everything Christmas; decorating, festive music, festive food, Christmas parties, and taking a million photos all month long, this is the most perfect project for me to undertake.

The idea is, that to keep things manageable and actually finish your album, you make your foundation pages before December, then just add journalling and photos throughout December. My initial plan was to keep it really manageable by completing December in my Project Life album. The pockets I like have 16 spots per spread, so I thought I’d use two slots for each day and end up with 5 double page spreads. Too easy. Then I thought about the sheer amount of photos I take of my tree alone.. and thought I’d add some slimmer pockets in between each double page to give me more room. Decided I set about starting to design my cards…then along came the proverbial spanner.

Some of the cards I’ve been working on

Have you seen some of the amazing albums people have done that are just devoted to December Daily? They are amazing, and the more I googled, flickr’d, and pinterested, the more I wanted to do a mini album. I’ve decided to use the Snap 6 x 8 inch album, with an assortment of protectors. I did toy with using no protectors, but I think with a two year old who likes to look at things, protectors are sensible.. plus no protectors means I’m lurking dangerously close to the edge of the traditional scrapbooking cliff and I swore I wasn’t going down that path again.

In order to keep on top of things, I’m planning to use iphone photos edited on my phone. I’ll then take them down for weekly printing. Because the pages will pretty much be ready for them, they’ll just need to be slipped into the album. I will be completing my PL weekly spreads as well which are more time consuming as I like to do a lot digitally, so I think the approach will work well, and will showcase lots of my photos! Better than having them just sitting on the PC which is where all my previous years are. I’m also a bit excited that I’ll have the opportunity to make the DD in a completely different style to the PL spreads. I keep seeing a lot of beautiful Christmassy things around and was having trouble picking!

Some of my supplies

I popped into my local scrapbooking store for a bit of inspiration, and left with enough supplies to make my album. I’ve decided to mix Kaisercrafts ‘Gingerbread’ range, with Basicgrey’s 25th and Pine. The colours work really well together. Coincidentally enough, the colours also work really well with the cards I’d started designing so I will get use out of those in both albums. I’ll be using kraft paper to tone it down a bit and give some focus to the photos. I can’t wait to start!

Are you planning to complete a DD album this year? What’s your approach?



  1. Amber Z

    October 4, 2013 at 6:10 pm

    Love this idea! Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Last year the hubs and I gave each other advent presents throughout the month, which was more exciting than opening them all at once on Christmas morning (or Christmas Eve when I can talk my hubs into it). I really like the cards you made, especially since I’m planning on light teal and red as my holiday colors this year. (Also, pooping in your LSS isn’t very nice;)

    1. Renae

      October 5, 2013 at 2:31 am

      Haha oops! Thanks for alerting me to that!
      Thanks for the compliment on my cards. I’m dying to get a chance to work on them again. They’ll be a freebie here once they are done :)

  2. December Daily |

    January 26, 2015 at 5:54 pm

    […] had a plan. I didn’t keep to my plan and ultimately this dragged out the process. Perhaps my plan was a […]

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