Food & Recipes

Egg Tarts

meatfreeRemember when this was a sort of all things home related blog? Which included food and recipes. Doing Project Life and making the time to blog about it, appears to have rejuvenated my enthusiasm for the blog as a whole and I’ve been remembering to take pictures of nice, simple food that I’d like to share. Additionally, we’re trying to eat less meat in our household. Col has gone the vegan route, whereas I’m just trying out different alternatives. When I stumble on something yummy I’ll share it with you!

We had these egg tarts for lunch during the week and they were a hit with me and the two year old. There’s nothing remotely vegan about them with the eggs and cheese, but they did make for a yummy meat free meal. Yay!


I do apologise in advance if my recipes are brief. I don’t follow recipes often and go for the throw it all together approach. The things I post are simple and you can easily chop and change ingredients to suit your own tastes.


1 Comment

  1. Miss Sage Sugar

    October 31, 2013 at 4:15 am

    A great easy recipe that looks really tasty. Will have to try this soon…

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