Freebies, Memory Keeping

Free Halloween Pocket Cards

Do you celebrate Halloween? Eleven years ago I was in America in the lead up to Halloween and I remember being in awe of all the decorated houses in New England, seeing pumpkins for sale on the sidewalks of New York. The stores had Halloween cards, Halloween themed Snickers bars… it went on and on and was amazing. While we do celebrate a bit more in Australia these days we have nothing on this!

I have found myself in need of some Halloween pocket cards the last few years mainly due to the Halloween event we run at the miniature railway I belong to. This year I made some and would like to share them with you.


There are 14 3×4 inch cards in PNG and JPG format, and some elements on a 6×4 sheet you can print and cut out.

If you like them I’d love it if you could pin them to Pinterest or share my blog post on social media as a thank you :)




  1. Sarah

    October 18, 2015 at 9:05 am

    These are gorgeous. I love them all but especially love the Black Cat Trick or Treat card. And the tree. And the witches Brew. And the… =) Thank you so much!!

  2. ren

    October 18, 2015 at 9:01 pm

    Thank you Sarah! I’m glad you like them :)

  3. Erin

    September 12, 2017 at 2:38 pm

    I tried clicking on the download link but it doesn’t work….I’m so bummed because these are so cute!

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