Life and Outings

Friday Flickr Favourites


1. sweet dream rabbits, 2. pachyderm pyramid, 3. 3, 4. Softies for Mirabel 2008, 5. Softies For Mirabel 2009, 6. soto softies, 7. Spool birdie softies, 8. Vrolijke Frans, 9. Hedwig

The softie theme was inspired when I discovered the work of daskaninchen (top three photos). I’m loving those Hares!

Visit Tamara to play along!

Blogtoberfest – Post 27

1 Comment

  1. Marquita

    October 30, 2009 at 8:50 pm

    Well I loved number 4, especailly what seems to be a tucano :-)
    Have a nice weekend.

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