Food & Recipes

Munchy Monday

It’s time I start blogging about the everyday again. Hiatus has lasted long enough and I’ve found myself moping a lot rather than being constructive.

Tonight’s dinner is a yummy zucchini and lentil soup with wholemeal sourdough.

The great thing about this soup is you can’t go wrong – just throw things in. Tonight’s version contained:

2 zucchini’s, grated

1 onion, finely chopped

1 cup red lentils

1/2 cup pearl barley

fresh chives

fresh majoram

fresh thyme

vegetable stock

salt and pepper.

Brown the onions in a little olive oil and add the zucchini. Add roughly 4 cups of water and remaining ingredients. Simmer until the barley is soft and serve with toast.


  1. Hoppo Bumpo

    February 17, 2009 at 3:54 pm

    That does look delicious. Red lentils make every soup yummy!

  2. essie

    February 17, 2009 at 9:44 pm

    oh, yum! that looks so good!

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