Life and Outings

My Birthday!

Shameless promotion of my Birthday!!

My nanna and pop sent me this card with a lovely little detachable Gaelic Blessing bookmark.


My husdband  surprised me this morning with these gorgeous Pandora earrings!!


Throughout the day there’s been homemade cake, more cards, emails and flowers. I feel lucky to have such lovely poeple in my life.

Blogtoberfest – Post 12


  1. Kylie

    October 13, 2009 at 9:05 pm

    Ohh how lovely! The message on the bookmark (or is that the card?) is absolutely beautiful :) Your earrings are gorgeous too!!

    I’m glad you’ve been spoilt! xox

  2. Belinda Glynn

    October 13, 2009 at 9:12 pm

    Happy birthday! I *love* the earrings.

    I hope you’ve had a loverley day xx

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