Memory Keeping

On reassessing Project Life

Hello! Do you have a hobby that feels like a chore? That’s how I feel about Project Life at present. I’m so far behind that the mere thought of trying to catch up sends me running towards another task. I was having trouble sleeping a couple of nights ago, and while mulling over some things, I realised what has gone ‘wrong’ with Project life for me. Below are some of my earliest layouts. These particular ones are hybrid as I tended to mainly do hybrid in the beginning. While they aren’t necessarily the style I would choose to do now, they are real snapshots of the week, that not only give a bit of information about what we did, but they very much talk about things I liked, things Elijah said…



Move on to the layouts I’m creating 18 months later and it’s all very ‘today we did this..’ and rather than letting some of the photos speak for themselves I seem to have to explain everything. I don’t know when this shift happened, but even though I’m probably including more journaling now, I was including more interesting journaling back then. I love looking back on these 2013 layouts.

It’s given me something to ponder and think about, and as I play catch up on the past 20 weeks I’ll be very much trying to achieve layouts that I think will be interesting to me in 5, 10, 30 years time, rather than something I’ve rushed out in order to catch up, or the journaling is at the expense of embellishment.

How do you overcome Project Life slumps?


1 Comment

  1. beck holder

    June 13, 2015 at 11:08 pm

    Boo… My comment was eaten. :( in a nutshell, I love it! Especially about journaling quality not just in a bid to get caught up. Bring it on! X

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