Our Home, Sewing and Craft

On the walls

A few weeks back I decided the walls in the lounge needed a facelift. We’ve had some covered canvasses on them for the past four years that a friend made and while I have loved them and still do, I felt that the room needed something brighter.

I ended up attaching some of this great damask hessian over the top of the existing canvasses that way I still have the art my friend made and should I want to display it again I just need to take off the hessian.

walls chairs

I chose teal as I recently was given the fantastic 60’s chairs above which are teal. Most of the other decor in the room is purple so I chose to add more teal to tie the chairs into the room more. I have some left over hessian and some fantastic cotton/linen to make some cushions which will replace the ones on the chairs.

{Blogtoberfest Day Fourteen} Post 9

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1 Comment

  1. Mel

    November 6, 2011 at 1:33 pm

    What a great way to give something existing an extra lease of life, and even better than you can go back when you get sick of the new look :)

    Colour around the house is so important, lifts the spirits :)

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