
One Little Word – wrap up and 2015

This year I participated in Ali Edwards ‘One Little Word‘ class. You can read my initial blog post about it here. My chosen word was LESS, and to be honest, it fell by the wayside by the end of the year. Each month you receive prompts to complete, the idea is that you really incorporate your word into your life. The main issue for me was that it became apparent a few months in, that while I had chosen a word that encompassed a lot of what I wanted to change, it also allowed a lot of room for excuses. ‘Oh I want to be less stressed, so I just won’t do x, y and z.’ As a result I didn’t stick with it as well as I could have. It wasn’t all for nothing though, I certainly experienced less self inflicted stress and anxiety this year, and the house has much less stuff in it after several clean outs. In short, choosing a word and following the prompts won’t magically change everything, like everything you still need to put in some effort.

That brings us to my 2015 word. A month ago I was seriously considering not taking the class this year and just doing my own thing, but it felt a bit defeatist. I want to challenge myself to get out of my bad habit routines and letting things fall by the wayside is one of the big ones. So instead I started to ponder on a good word for 2015. I reconsidered ‘confident’ which was my initial choice last year, but it didn’t feel right. I then thought I’d settle on ‘create’ but create still didn’t feel like the kick up the backside I need. Believe, accept, and challenge were all contenders and the more I thought about it, the more I realised challenge is my word.

If it doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.

Interestingly challenge encompasses all of the things I was hoping to achieve with less, but it feels like a much stronger word and a word that’s easier to think. You can challenge, for example, your;

  • thoughts
  • beliefs
  • actions
  • expectations
  • perceived limitations
  • perception
  • habits
  • ideas
  • ideals

I feel confident that I have chosen the right word and look forward to bringing it into my life this year, and being part of the OLW 2015 community.



  1. Dani Newman

    January 6, 2015 at 11:56 am

    Oh how lovely to see you are participating this year too! I love your word & agree it is a very strong & positive word to apply to so many areas of your life. This will be my first year & I’ve chosen ‘nourish’ as my word. I hope your year brings you challenges in all the sorts of ways that lead to positive energy & growth x

    1. ren

      January 18, 2015 at 3:40 pm

      Hi Dani!
      Sorry for the late reply. I was waiting until I was at my PC and apparently I haven’t used it much of late. Nourish is a great word. I remember lots of people having a lot of success with it last year. I look forward to seeing how you grow this year :)

  2. Joanne

    January 15, 2015 at 9:24 pm

    Great post, Ren. I like the thought process and how you arrived at your word. (Long time no comment; I don’t blog anymore but I still catch up on reading eventually.)

    1. ren

      January 18, 2015 at 3:39 pm

      Thanks Joanne! I’ve wondered how you are these days. I’ve seen you on Pinterest now and then :)

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