Life and Outings

Payne’s Rise Winery

Yesterday we spent the day at Shedfest in the Yarra Valley. We’ve been going every year since 2006 and have a core group of friends who now look forward to the day every year. This year they decided to charge for the shuttle bus we usually catch so we made our way around by catching the public bus and walking. This worked out better than the shuttle bus as the pace was more relaxed and we were able to soak up the atmosphere at each winery.

Our usual favourite it Five Oaks, but there was no way we were able to walk that far so we tried a newer winery that none of us knew anything about called Payne’s Rise. I’m glad we did as this was easily the favourite winery of the day.

What’s great about Paynes Rise?

Before we even get to the wine, the winery is ideally situated and very picturesque.

The view is gorgeous;


There’s a fantastic oak tree to sit under;

A lovely old homestead to look around;

As for the wine, I personally enjoyed the Sauvignon Blanc and Rose, while friends raved about the Chardonnay and Cabernet Sauvignon.

The food was also delicious and I had to talk myself out of two servings of the vanilla pannacotta.

They seem to be building a bigger cellar door which looked there will be a restaurant area with a gorgeous view. Definitely a winery to keep an eye on!


{Blogtoberfest Day Nine} Post 7

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