Life and Outings

She fell behind…

I was quite pleased with my efforts for Blogtoberfest on this blog; I had kept up, and the content was relevant to my blog’s themes. Somehow despite having a whole week of posts planned, life got in the way and I fell behind. I feel a little disappointed, however I have managed to post many more posts than last year and when I combine this years’ total posts with those one The Red Wren, I have posted more than 31 which is a big achievement for me!

When things don’t go entirely as planned I like to use them as a learning experience. The biggest thing I learned from this years’ Blogtoberfest is that I need to plan what I’m going to post. I can’t just sit at the computer at 8pm and come up with a relevant post. I read on a blog recently that the author uses a calendar to plan out what they’re going to post each week. I think this is a great idea and I’m going to do something similar. I have folders on my computer called ‘to blog’ which is were all photos that will appear on the blog go once they are edited, but I need more than this – I need something hard copy to jot ideas down on as they come to me. Soooo… Blogtoberfest isn’t over and before tomorrow I’m going to design a printable blogging calendar.

Stay tuned!


ETA: I just stumbled on this great post by Indie Pretty Projects that lists some cute blogging calendars. I think I’ll try out one of these!


{Blogtoberfest Day Thirty} Post 21

I’m participating in Blogtoberfest. Click here for more information.

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