Sewing and Craft

{Stop Pinning, Start Doing} New projects


I don’t want too many ‘pin’ projects on the go at once so I’m going to be carrying previous weeks over if they aren’t complete.

Carry over

Scrapbuster block tutorial – I’m currently revamping our back room which includes new cushion covers. I have lots of scrap fabrics left over from the hexie pillow I’m working on and this block will be perfect!

 New Projects

The Socialite Skirt – While rearranging my sewing room this week I discovered lots of knit fabrics that were intended for maternity clothes. This skirt pattern will be perfect!

DIY Rotating Goal List – I keep forgetting things. I’m going to make a version of this that may also include vital to-do’s so I don’t forget! 


  1. {Our Creative Space} Quilts | the red wren

    March 15, 2012 at 10:44 pm

    […] Little 1.5 inch squares which are part of the scrapbuster block. […]

  2. {Stop Pinning, Start Doing} Project Board | the red wren

    April 18, 2012 at 6:40 am

    […] a number of weeks I’ve had a chance to revisit my stop pinning list! Complete this week is the DIY rotating goal […]

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