The Red Wren

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Sewing and Craft

1903 Singer

My great Aunt inherited a 1903 Singer Sewing Machine from a neighbour that passed away. As my Aunt is 90 and no longer sews she passed it onto mum. It’s just beautiful!

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Sewing and Craft

Tea Dress

My friend Tam held a fancy pants tea party this weekend. I wanted to make a dress to wear and as usual left it to the last minute and whipped it up the night before. It turned out  for the event,  ...

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Sewing and Craft

iphone case

I’ve had my phone for a few months now, I’ve had the fabric for the case picked out for a few months now, but alas no case was made. Last night I arrived home and whipped one up,  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Cutlery roll

The place I work for is cutting down on the amount of plastic plates and cutlery they provide (pardon the pun). It was recently on of my very good friend’s birthdays and because she just  ...

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