The Red Wren

Browsing Tag:

sunday stash

Sewing and Craft

Reproduction fabrics

It’s been a very unproductive week here. All three of us were struck down with a bad cold that we’re still trying to get over and we had some sad news. As a result I haven’t completed projects  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Sunday Stash #5

Delft, white on natural by Hollabee This shouldn’t have made it into the Stash because it only arrived last week and I’d fully intended to start the project by now, but then my  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Sunday Stash #3

This time already? Wow, not much craft to show for this week! This week we have some sweet little toadstools. I bought these on a spur of the moment whim and have no idea what to do with them.  ...

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Sewing and Craft

Sunday Stash #1

It’s been a long time since I participated in Sunday Stash. I stopped because my previous blog was becoming nothing but Sunday Stash posts due to a lapse in crafting. Given I’m midly  ...

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