Sewing and Craft

The end of October, Halloween, and Batticus

It’s Halloween! I don’t really celebrate, but I’m not adverse to trick or treaters and think the day is a bit of fun. I did manage to whip Elijah up a Halloween Bat called Batticus in time for today. Batticus is made from Melly and Me’s ‘Sew Batty’ pattern.



The end of October also marks the end of Blogtoberfest. This year I posted 22/31 days. I could have managed every day, but none of the posts would have been craft related given craft has been on the backburner for the past fortnight while I sort out the house and garden. I chose not to continue inundating this blog with garden photos. Next year I’ll take part in Blogtoberfest, but on my other blog My Renvironment, as that one is about home!

1 Comment

  1. Holly @ Two Cheese Please

    November 15, 2012 at 9:59 pm

    Oh Batticus is so cute! Makes me want to sew Halloween themed stuff! (I know, I’m always so late to the party! I’ll just be really early for next year?)
    I wanted to give Blogtoberfest a go this year but I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep it up consistently, so I decided against adding another stressor to my life. I’ve loved reading all your blog posts this month, though!

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