Sewing and Craft

Topstitch Tuesday

So, er, I’m Topstitch Tuesday-ing on a Thursday. Tuesday was far too hot to sew, and Wednesday- well you’ll have to read this weeks Warming Wednesday to see what went a bit astray there.

Tonight I whipped this clutch up for a friend. I used the same pattern as the purple one I made the other day (pattern being two bits of cardboard I drew to shapes on – we don’t do complicated in this house!) but placed the button differently. I personally like this one better than the one I made for me!

The next one I made is going to have embellishments in the form of lace and silk flowers. Stay tuned!

1 Comment

  1. mom2fur

    January 19, 2009 at 5:38 am

    that’s really pretty! I love the combination of turquoise and brown.

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