
Transition Complete!

Around a week ago I made the call to combine my blogs once and for all. I thought it might be nice to update my theme a bit given this blog was branded to match my business rather than reflect what it now is; a blog about home life and hobbies. This layout feels more ‘me’ than my previous layout. 

I stumbled on my archived web banners yesterday and thought I might post them here for a bit of nostalgia and my own reference should I get any silly ideas about splitting again!

Hollyhock Hollow – my original craft, house and garden blog. Built on wordpress. Self hosted. Circa 2008 – 2010

hollyhockhollowbannerhhh2 copyhhhhollyhockhollowbanner

Red Wren Designs, then The Red Wren’s adventures in craft land were early craft blogs which I had on Blogger as there was a really big craft community happening there at the time. Circa 2008-2009redwrenbanner5redwren9redwrenbanner8redwren11

Then I bought a red-wren domain and set up my own wordpress, combining Hollyhock Hollow at the same time. 2009 – now


Then I missed having a house and garden blog, so My Renvironment was born and I split all my content up again. 2010 – 2014



For a very brief period of time I also had Sew Renae! Which was for garment sewing, but my garment sewing has been so sparse that it seemed a bit silly to have a blog for it. 2012-2013


So there we go!

As your reward for sticking with me through the changes; I’ll have some new Project Life freebies up later in the week.

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