Sewing and Craft

What’s happening Wednesday

This week has been quiet in craft land. I hurt my back quite badly at ballet on Monday night (yes go ahead and snicker) which has seen me unable to do much until now really. Luckily pretty things to look at have arrived in the mail:


More bits and pieces to make flower things arrived so now I’m just waiting on one more package so I can get started! It’s three weeks since I’ve ordered all these bits and pieces so I’m getting a little impatient! The ones in the photo aren’t made, just placed for the picture. I’m waiting for bigger flowers to adorn the pin.



This fabric arrived today. Luckily it was packaged up in plastic as I didn’t hear it get delivered and it sat in the rain long enough for the envelope to fall to pieces when I picked it up. The range is ‘Early Bird’ by Cosmo Cricket. As soon as I spotted it I thought ‘picnic quilt!’ So that’s what it will become in time for nicer weather. The colours are quite muted which I love, like they’ve been de-saturated.

What’s happening in your world today?


  1. Kelly

    July 14, 2010 at 1:47 pm

    I came to say thank you for commenting on my mixer dreams. I am so hoping to be able to spoil myself. Too bad the connections are different, or I would make sure we earned one for you too! You might just have to move to the States!

    The fabric is lovely, but I do love the flowers…where do you order these sweet blossoms? ~Kelly

    unDeniably Domestic

  2. Libby

    July 17, 2010 at 12:32 am

    Came by way of Curlypops competition. What a lovely blog you have – I’ll be back.

  3. Bellgirl

    July 18, 2010 at 8:26 am

    Gorgous prints for a picnic quilt! I tried to comment on your Forest Friends quilt but couldn’t for some reason- I wanted to say I know what you mean about unpicking quilts- I think I’ve unpicked more than I’ve sewn today!

    1. Ren

      July 18, 2010 at 11:33 am

      Ah apparently comments were closed! Odd- I wonder if that happened when I imported all my old posts into the new domain.

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