
Hello and welcome to The Red Wren.

The Red Wren is all about home life and if that’s your thing then hopefully you will find something of interest here. You’ll find posts on memory keeping (mainly pocket style scrapbooking), gardening, sewing, other crafts, cooking and recipes, plenty of Christmas, and general home life.

Currently I’m a full time mum who enjoys learning new skills when I can, prior to this I worked in adult training and love to learn and pass on knowledge. I have written some tutorials for the blog and this is an area I plan to expand on. I love making printables and at this stage I offer them all for free here, although I do hope to become skilled enough to sell some one day.

I have a set of goals for my website that I am working towards. I like to be transparent in my aims for the site, even though it isn’t there yet!

My more popular content can be accessed via the menu bar above. All categories, a tag cloud, and archives are in the footer of this site. You can also use the search bar if you are looking for something specific.

Wondering how my website came to be called The Red Wren? Here’s a silly poem I wrote:

There is a lass by the name of Renae,

She has red hair, and a lot to say.

A blog seemed like the obvious choice,

to sit now and then and share her voice.

But what to call it, thought Ren?

I’m a redhead, who likes birds…

I’ll call it The Red Wren.


  1. Kaz

    March 10, 2011 at 6:11 pm

    Hi Renea,
    My name is Kaz And I have just started a Melbourne Outer Eastern Suburbs Brown Owls. I notice a little while back you responded to a request about a group starting. I’m not sure whether you have been to the site lately so I thought I’d mention that I have posted two sites on their blog. First being a intro and the second about a Meet and Greet picnic at Ringwood Lake. I hope that you are still interested. Please feel free to contact me at any time on crafttea@hotmail.com or through a comment on the brown owls blog. Kindest regards Kaz

  2. Kaz

    March 11, 2011 at 8:55 am

    Hi Renae,
    Just a quick note, I have asked all interested parties to tell me their preferred day(s) and whether they prefer day or evening workshops. I know I won’t be lucky enough to have everyone available on the same day however a least if I know then I will do my best to accommodate. regards Kaz

  3. Kaz

    May 11, 2011 at 7:43 am

    Hi Renae,
    Hope you are enjoying your first week of maternity leave.
    Due to the cold snap we are having,I have decided it would be nice to have tonights group in front of a warm open fire,
    so if you decided to come pls come to the front door rather than using the side gate. Hope to see you there. Kaz

  4. claire

    July 6, 2011 at 7:32 am

    Hi Renae,

    I am so glad you like the July desktop picture!! And Thank you so much for stopping by! Hope you are enjoying your new little baby!!
    claire- frangipani designs

  5. claire

    August 4, 2011 at 7:10 pm


    Thanks again for your comment on my blog, glad you are getting some good use with the desktop image! that is such a cool idea to use the tape and personalise your computer. Do you think you could post a screen grab of your desktop and a link to my blog and then i will do the same back and do a little ‘how to’ post?
    What do you think?

    Claire x

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