Sewing and Craft


Lots of beautiful fabrics waiting for the inspiration (and motivation) to arise…


  1. Hoppo Bumpo

    August 13, 2008 at 11:12 pm

    That’s a very nice stash of fabric – so much possibility. Is that a piece of Pippijoe Orchard in red I see at the bottom too? I hope you’ll post some photos of what the fabric turns into!

    Thanks for visiting my blog. In turn I have enjoyed reading yours, especially the post about the lamb and barley soup. Yummo …. I must give it a go.

    PS. I see that you are a trainer by day … which is what I used to be before I had kids :)

  2. Kylie

    August 16, 2008 at 10:48 am

    Mmm cupcakes! Is that Robert Kaufman? Those little owls are gorgeous too!

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