Sewing and Craft


Cherrie from Willy-Wagtail left a nice comment in response to my secret shame post yesterday.

“Never let a mess stop your imagination from producing”

Today some jewellery bits and pieces I ordered last week arrived and rather than put them away until my sewing room is clean, I remembered Cherrie’s comment, gathered up my supplies and pottered away at the kitchen bench.


I’ve seen little birdie earrings all over the place of late. Given their prevalence I thought the charms must be available somewhere – a quick search on etsy yielded the birdies and the leaves behind them. I love these!


Wings. A bit macabre? I haven’t decided, but they do look great on. These are larger than the bird pair and will work well with outfits that don’t suit a necklace.


Whipped up a necklace out of existing supplies while I was still on a creative roll.


Inspiration struck while looking for something to photograph them on. I’m sure embroidery hoops as earring displays have been done many times before although I haven’t seen it. I’m so fond of the effect that I think I’ll hang a large hoop in my bedroom for all my silver earrings!

It feels good to have actually made something of late!


  1. essie

    February 22, 2011 at 8:37 pm

    i think the wings are very elegant. they’re stylised enough not to look in the least macabre. good for you for pooh pooh-ing the mess! :)

  2. Kylie

    February 22, 2011 at 9:15 pm

    Wow, they are gorgeous :) The little birds and the dargonfly are my favourites! I don’t think the wings look macabre at all, I agree with Essie, they look very elegant.

  3. CurlyPops

    February 22, 2011 at 9:28 pm

    Love those! I’ll be heading to the bead shop for supplies now too.

  4. Jen

    February 23, 2011 at 1:27 pm

    gorgeous earrings *grabby hands!*

  5. Joanne

    February 24, 2011 at 11:15 am

    I think they’re all lovely- the wings bring ‘gossamer’ to mind which is a beautiful word and not at all macabre. I love your earring display idea too. Clever you!

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