Sewing and Craft

New Years Craft-o-lutions

With 2008 rapidly dwindling and the promise of a new year almost at the horizon, I thought I’d make some New Years resolutions revolving around creativity.

They are:


  • Do not spend hours and hours looking at other people’s craft – get working!
  • Participate in swaps. I’ve done one apron swap and had lots of fun, so I’m now brave enough to do some more
  • Continue hosting my monthly craft day
  • Stop being so self-critical over my work, practise is the key!
  • complete a short course in Interior Decorating through the local TAFE.


  • Make a quilt
  • Use my stash!!
  • Make clothes for myself more often
  • continue to design and make bags


  • learn to knit more than a scarf
  • learn to crochet – make those face washers!


  • Continue to make jewellery
  • use my bead stash!


  • Update this blog daily using the new and improved categories (more about those later!)
  • Update with all the projects I’m undertaking and join in on memes that do the rounds
  • Use Flickr more and join creative groups
  • Decide once and for all if I want an etsy store and stick to the decision!!
  • Advance my photography and photoshop skills

Enjoy everything I do! Mistakes and all.

I think that’s covered most of it! I might add more later if it seems important to me!

What are your New Years Craft-o-lutions?

1 Comment

  1. Juliet Lawrence Wilson

    January 2, 2009 at 6:32 am

    Hi Renae – these are all great resolutions! i must make some myself, such as finishing sewing projects before starting new ones. Happy new year! Juliet x

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