Memory Keeping

Project Life – Week One

Week One. My layout isn’t quite as simple as I intended. There’s nothing fancy about it, but typing on vellum, cutting it up, stapling it on, using 12×12 paper which I had to cut up.. it was all time consuming and didn’t really turn out how I envisaged in the end. I’m still torn as to what the best way to capture my journaling is and think that trying to force it into being one way isn’t going to work for me. I’m also still wondering if this is my favourite pocket configuration.. time will tell!



















Keen observers will note that my title card isn’t the one I posted about in my Project Life 2015 post. I liked it a lot, but in use I didn’t. I ended up changing the font (windblown song in case you are curious), removed week altogether and enlarged the week number as it is the more crucial piece of information I think. I then changed the font on the week in review card to match.



















The background papers are from a paper pad I picked up at Aldi when I first started PL. They almost perfectly match WRMK ‘Chalkboard’ cards which is what the 2×4 cards are from, minus the Eleanor Roosevelt quote which I found on the net.

I used my typewriter to type up week in review and the synchronicity card. I like how it turns out, but I’m not sure if I prefer it to writing. I need a bit more practice.

How are you going with PL this year? Did you decide on a certain style this year? Is it working for you?




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