Memory Keeping

Project Life Week Two

Yes, week two! I’ve fallen a little bit behind because my attention has been focused on decluttering the house and repainting our bedroom. The painting is done, but the tidying and sorting is still a huge work in progress. I did make some time to start catching up on Project Life, because if I get too far behind I can see myself not bothering to catch up, and I’ll regret that later!

For week two I fell back to a style I’m most comfortable with, which is labels, underlined writing, and white space. I do think there’s a bit too much white space on this one, but I didn’t really have ideas on how to add much more to it, so white it is.


I used some of my mists as a bit of an experiment, and while I do like the shiny result, I find them a bit annoying in that you can’t really control them. I might try using them with a brush in the coming weeks.


This was a sad week for me as we spent a lot of time cleaning out my grandparent’s house but there were some nice moments. Do you like the vintage ballet prints? I have to fight with a huntsman for those, quite an achievement for me given my fear of them! You can see I went a bit mist crazy on the week in review card and I don’t really love it! I’m also putting it out there that I don’t love enamel dots. I can never seem to use them in a way that doesn’t seem like an afterthought. I might need to look at some inspiration for those as I have quite a few to use.

If you like my little blue labels, keep your eye on The Red Wren, as I’ll be putting them up as a freebie in the blue and other colours later this week.

Thanks for reading!




  1. Essie

    March 2, 2015 at 10:57 pm

    I really like the white space – I don’t think there’s too much at all.
    Looking forward to the label freebie! Yay! X

  2. ren

    March 3, 2015 at 3:51 pm

    Thanks Essie. They’ll be coming soon!

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