Sewing and Craft

{Stop pinning, start doing} The Socialite Skirt


I’ve fallen a little bit behind on sewing in the past week thanks to a teething bubba. He’s lucky enough to be getting four top teeth at once!



I finished the Socialite Skirt this morning, only it isn’t the Socialite Skirt! The knit I used was quite thick and I was worried the pleats might make it too bulky so I followed the tutorial, omitting the pleats and extra width, and ended up with….


…complete with awful photography! The skirt itself came out well, but as you can see it’s a straight skirt with a slight a-line to it whereas the real socialite skirt has a bit more flare. This was the first time I’d made a stretch skirt (well, not including the crushed velvet wonders I got around uni in) and I’ve discovered that the walking foot really is my friend. It made everything so much easier! I initially tried the seams on my overlocker but they puckered (any tips for overlocking/serging knits?)

I’ll definitely make more of these as they are so comfy! If I find a thinner knit in the stash I’ll try the actual socialite skirt!


  1. Candice

    March 8, 2012 at 6:01 am

    Looks great!! And the perfect busy mum skirt

  2. Nin

    March 8, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    I have a merino skirt that shape and it is so versatile. With the overlocker I might have two (helpful?) comments, or maybe three. 1. tension on the needles should be tighter and the loopers – if you need to reset, try twiddling every dial to the middle (on my machine thats 4) and ease off the looper tension gradually (sewing samples) until its even. 2. Is the cutter sharp/well oiled? 3. Are you using differential feed – experiment with that/read up in your manual. Hope that helps – a well tensioned serger is a wonderful thing! p.s. – thanks for the visit over at my place :)

    1. ren

      March 10, 2012 at 1:08 am

      Thank you for your advice!

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