The Red Wren

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Mini succulent gardens

Many years ago I had a wonderful succulent collection potted up in sweet little pots, and dressed in coloured stones. Years later most of those succulents are still surviving in a rather  ...

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Gardening, Our Home

The Front Yard

I used to be quite diligent when it came to blogging about my garden, but somewhere along the way I became less and less so. I guess that happened once I was blogging less and less, so let’s  ...

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In Bloom

I enjoy the challenge of Blogtoberfest but I am finding it a little challenging to post about sewing and craft every single day, especially when I haven’t done any sewing since Tuesday, so expect  ...

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We have a long way to go before our garden becomes my ‘dream’ garden and realistically there’s only so much you can do with a suburban block. I want a yard I can frolic in with  ...

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