Life and Outings, Our Home

The Christmas Eve Edition- Part I

There’s always silliness abound on Christmas Eve. For some reason the dizzying excitement of holidays mixed with the frustration of having to duck to the supermarket to grab forgotten cream makes for very silly people. We’re having a little bit of a silly day here at Rose Cottage, but we’re also being very serious and sensible as we rush to finish homemade goodies for the family.

Before we get to the Christmas Eve baking rush, I’d like you to turn your eye to this link. Scrunchies. Are we ready for them to make a come back? On one hand ‘yes’ because think about how easy they were to make! This time next year we could whip up hundreds of them for our family and friends. But on the other hand ‘no’. While there might be a slight temptation to have a matching scrunchie/culotte combo again, I think some fashion trends are best forgotten.


Can you guess what we’re baking? All will be revealed in Part II.


I made some labels this morning in Illustrator using free Christmas vectors available here from Blog.SpoonGraphics. Even though I just had to draw a rectangle, apply a brush and add some text, I am proud of my efforts as I’m very new to Illustrator. I’ll share the finished product later on*.

I hope you’re enjoying your day whether you’re baking, working, relaxing or any of the other things that coincide with the Season.

*later on may be tonight, it may be Boxing Day, it could even be never if I forget to take a photo in all the silliness of the season!


  1. Kate

    December 24, 2010 at 7:37 am

    I love, love, love the labels and I am most certainly NOT ready to see the scrunchy come back. I hope you have a wonderful and merry coupla days. X

  2. penelope_waits

    December 24, 2010 at 10:15 am

    @glittery_girl those tags are adorable :)

  3. Suzanne - the Farmer's Wife

    December 24, 2010 at 1:14 pm

    Have a wonderful Christmas.

    Sorry, I cannot guess what you are making because I have no idea what Treacle is.

    – Suzanne

  4. Liesl

    December 29, 2010 at 10:41 am

    Thankfully the children are boys and my hair is a bit too short to tie up … otherwise I might be tempted by a little recreational scrunchie-making!!

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. (I wonder if you were making gingerbread?)

  5. Christmas Eve – Part II | The Red Wren

    December 29, 2010 at 11:53 pm

    […] did warn there may be a little bit of time in between parts I and II but I got there in the end. I realised today that if I don’t hurry up and post about […]

  6. Mel

    December 31, 2010 at 5:46 pm

    I say an emphatic no to the return of the scrunchie … they’ve had their time and we should let them be in history :)

  7. Christmas Eve – Part II | My Renvironment

    January 23, 2012 at 3:59 am

    […] did warn there may be a little bit of time in between parts I and II but I got there in the end. I realised today that if I don’t hurry up and post about […]

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