
Veg About

Well,  Veg About isn’t going so well at Rose Cottage. As you will have seen in a previous post, vegetables rebelled and went to seed.

We have tomatoes, although something has munched on a few, we still have and abundance of peas,  the potatoes look good, zucchinis are struggling, spring onions are good but small likewise for the leeks. Overall we’re happy with our veggie patch as it was the first one we’d grown and we said from the beginning that it’s all about seeing what works in our area.

Ooh! This is where I should also mention that we were lucky enough to recieve a Diggers Club membership for Christmas! Can’t wait to start trying out some heirloom varieties.

A flowering weed? A sweet daisy plant? Nope – it’s the lettuce!

Small, but happy Spring Onions

Chives, thyme and rosemary doing very well. In fact all the herbs except perhaps the chamomile and bergamot are doing very well. Perhaps I should have had a ‘herb about’!

Yesterday I harvested lots and lots of peas! I’ve always wanted a basket full of home grown produce. now that I do, I’m not entirely sure what to do with all these peas? Suggestions?

Are you vegging about?

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